Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Illustrator Graphic Design Library Sign Project

This project was created by our schools librarian, she wanted more students to use the non-fiction section of the library, and asked me to write a grant with her to fund the project. We collaborated together and ended up creating a design competition where students each had to come up with their own sign using Adobe Illustrator, and then pitch their design to the librarian. She  met with my class in advance and gave them clear direction and guidance for what she was looking for. In the end she narrowed it down to her top 6 favorites, we then had the other art classes vote to decide on the winner. It was a challenging and rewarding process for my students. In the end a very clean, simple, modern design won. We had the posters printed at a local copy house and ordered the acrylic cases online. I am very proud how well it turned out in the end.

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