Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Group Project Mobiles

  These photos don't give justice to how cool these mobiles ended up looking in our cafeteria, each one was about 6 feet long. This was a group instillation project where students designed collectively what they wanted their projects to look like. Students also had to learn how to mix tints and shades of paint within an agreed upon color palette. The class drew inspiration from geometric or organic shapes. This project taught students how to envision a project and see it from start to finish, as well as teach perseverance when working with others.

Students began learning about the color wheel for this project and learning the vocabulary needed to discuss it. Students practiced mixing analogous, and complimentary colors as a quick one day exercise. Then each student created two full sheets of a specific tint and shade as a group. These exercise worksheets were cut up to make up the pieces of each groups mobile. Students designed the shapes and the arrangement of the pieces to reflect the feeling of the color that they where working with.

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